June 5, 2018


The Spencer County Historical Society met on Tuesday, June 5, 2018, in the Rockport Library Genealogy Room.


The meeting was called to order by the Vice-president at 6:25 PM with eight members and one guest present.


The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved as corrected.  One correction was Little Pigeon Creek was organized on June 8, 1816.  Previous minutes stated it has had an active congregation since 1818.  The other correction - a member said the sheriff’s plaque will now have a list of all the sheriffs in the county.


The treasurer’s report was given. 


The secretary read and passed around communications she had received since the last meeting.  No action was taken on the communications.


The Spencer County 4-H had a request for a $25.00 check for the Genealogy award.  A motion was made and seconded to give them the $25.00.  The motion carried.


A member mentioned there is a Revolutionary War coverlet on loan to the Lincoln Pioneer Village Museum.  It was presented to Mrs. Elizabeth (Oskins) Emmons by General John Stark.  It is now owned by granddaughter Carol Sue Crews.  Some of the Gentryville names connected to the coverlet are Stark, Oskins, Emmons, Heady, and McCoy.  The coverlet is well over 200 years old.


The vice-president said he had taken the flatboat replica to the Lincoln Pioneer Village Rendezvous in May and he was disappointed by the number in attendance.  He was likewise disappointed in the number of people attending the Spencer County Bicentennial parade in Rockport on June 2, 2018.


A member reported the Bicentennial Book should be finished sometime in August.  It will have about 40% pictures and 60% history.  There will be 725-750 pictures in the book.


A member told the Society the Lincoln Powder Horn is going to be sent to the Lincoln Presidential Museum and Library in Springfield, Illinois.  James Hevron mentioned this is the same library where the Minute Book of Little Pigeon Creek Baptist Church 1816-1840 is located.


A member informed the Society he would be showing the Clayton Spurlock video “Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried in Spencer County” to the Spencer County DAR on Thursday, June 14, 2018.


A member also mentioned the Lincoln National Boyhood Memorial now has a wooden desk believed to have been made by Thomas Lincoln, father of Abraham Lincoln, thanks to a donation from the Fierst family of Jasper, Indiana.  (There was an article about this donation in the Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer on May 18, 2018.)


There was a discussion about the future of the Rockport Inn which recently was damaged by a fire.  There is going to be a picture of it in the Bicentennial Book and there will need to be a statement explaining what happened and its future.


A motion was made and seconded to retain the present slate of officers for 2018-2019.  The motion carried.


A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  The motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.


There will be no meeting in July.


The next meeting will be August 7, 2018, at 6:30 PM in the Genealogy Room.